Saturday, August 16, 2008

What a great blessing that we got the ceiling poured when we did! We have been in the midst of a tropical storm, with almost non-stop rain. The cement had time to cure and all the rain won't do it a bit of damage. Not only that, but the inside of the first floor will stay dry. I doubt that keeping it dry down there is very important, but it is nice to know.

On the other hand, here at home we have been cleaning up water. In spite of the fact that all windows were closed, the construction of our windows allows water to enter if the rain isn't falling straight down. Since we had high winds all evening and most of the night, we had pretty much every towel we own soaking up water somewhere! This morning is clean up.

On a much more fun note, the two girls we sponsor at a local orphanage are coming over today and we are taking them shopping for school shoes. Yes, in the stormy rain. School starts Monday, and the girls need new shoes. I'll take some pictures to share with you tomorrow. Speaking of pictures, I got my new charger cradle for the camara in yesterday's mail. My wonderful little pocket camara is charged, emptied of photos, and ready to go!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Hate to hear about all the water. Have fun with the girls and we would love to see pictures.
