Wednesday, January 21, 2009

BBQ - correction

I just love blogs! The great thing is that we have a way of communicating with you without having to wait an entire month for the newsletter to go out. The not so great thing is that we have an immediate way of communicating with you! Sometimes information goes out without us realizing that we have incomplete details or even erroneous ones. In the case of the BBQ fundraiser, we didn't realize just how many people and churches are involved in accomplishing this tremendous goal. There is an entire steering committe working diligently, quite a few upstate SC churches and their pastors, a couple of area ministries, and many others. We want to express our appreciation and thanks to each and every one: the steering committee, Carpenters for Christ - Mike Ravan, United for Christ - William Renfrow, and several upstate SC churches and pastors for all their hard work in putting this together. We hope all of you reading this that are within driving distance will participate and enjoy some great food. Does anyone know how I could get some of that BBQ down here on the island? I would gladly trade you some rice and beans.

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