Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yesterday was the day! We left home about 8:00 and headed to Bani to pay for the cement trucks and get the day started. Greg and Brittany Burge went with us, and it sure was good to have the excellent company. Danny was especially glad they were along because we were carrying so much cash. Cement has gone up so much since February that, even with the discount I negotiated, w paid 15% more per cubic meter than we did just six months ago. It's hard for me to grasp that the cement alone for the ceiling of the first floor was $10,000 U.S. That doesn't count the thousands and thousands of dollars of rebar that went up there to prepare for the cement!

It was pretty exciting to watch the huge pumper truck with the 'sky high' crane readying itself to pour that ceiling. We left home at 8:00 and we returned home at 8:00 so it was a pretty full day. Enjoy the photos. Brittany, our teen-aged 'daughter' showed me how to insert photos. She showed me in less than 5 minutes yesterday. It would have taken me weeks to discover on my own! Don't we just love our teens!


Cathy said...

Great news!!! We are so glad it went well and that you can post pictures now.


Brittany. said...

The banner looks great!
Good job. :)